Art Studio Tour: My Chat with Anna Stout-Tuckwiller

All Photos © Anna Stout-Tuckwiller

All Photos © Anna Stout-Tuckwiller



Profession: Illustrator & Surface Pattern Designer | Location: Lewisburg, West Virginia

Anna Stout-Tuckwiller is the illustrator and surface designer behind B Woolf Studios. She sells art prints, as well as a range of beautiful textiles including tea towels, blankets, and pillow covers. She is located in Lewisburg, West Virginia, where she lives with her husband and two boys. She works part-time as a Physician Assistant, and part-time on her creative business.


What Inspires Your Work?

I'm really inspired by things in nature and travel. I live in West Virginia so being outside is a big thing. But growing up and choosing to raise my kids in such a rural location has also made exploring other places feel especially important to me. Even if I can't travel to all the jungles, cities, and deserts I imagine I love pulling ideas from photos and stories. I've also come to realize how much I enjoy bright colors. In the past I was drawn to all pastels for my work but when I really sat down and tried to see what gaps there were between what I was making and what I wanted to make that was a big thing. 

What Are Your Favorite Mediums And Tools To Use?

My favorite medium is absolutely gouache ( which I only just discovered this year!) I literally spent years staring at artwork I liked and not knowing how to make it because somehow I had totally missed the memo on gouache. 

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What Is One Word You Would Use To Describe Your Studio Space?


What Is Your Favorite Thing About Your Studio Space?

My favorite thing about my studio space is also my least favorite thing at times. Mine is part of  a group of studios within an old school building. The rooms are HUGE so I actually share my room with 5 other artists! I can be a little controlling sometimes about attempting to make my space feel more organized and uncluttered but at the same time there is always life in our studio and the people I share with are absolutely amazing not only in their creativity but also as people in general. Occasionally I find myself wishing I could have a clean little space that I was totally in control of but I feel sure I would miss all the people around me who constantly keep me grounded and inspired. 

What Are Three Items In Your Workspace That You Can’t Live Without?

Tea or coffee, inspiring images, and gouache!

What Does A Day In The Life Look Like For You? What Are Your Daily Habits?

I find myself staying pretty busy with 2 boys (age 5 and 2) and all the ideas running through my head that I often start simultaneously. Besides my artwork we have a little homestead with lambs and a garden, and I also work part-time as a Physician Assistant. I feel like its important to mention that because sometimes I find myself scrolling social media feeling like a failure as an artist because my art time is so sporadic. 2 days a week I get to spend mornings in my studio. Those mornings my 5 year old usually comes along for a hot chocolate date and some shared time painting. I also try to paint/ create on days when we have a successful nap time,  and I sometimes go through bursts of making late night art, especially when I have a deadline like a show coming up! 

How Do You Practice Self-Care Throughout The Day?

Coffee time in the morning is SO important to me. Even if I'm running late I take at least 10 minutes to sit down on the couch and have a glass of water and a cup of coffee. I'm not a morning person at all and If I can't start with this peaceful few minutes my whole day feels crazy. I also try ( though I don't always succeed) to go for a jog in the evenings  a few times each week. 

How Do You Store Your Artwork?

How do I store my artwork? Very badly... lol. I sell a lot of my originals and sometimes I get them scanned in on my computer first, other times I don't. I have a drawer in my home and a few shelves in my studio where I keep some pieces. I've also been known to give away or even throw away work that is getting on my nerves. 

You can find more of Anna’s work here:

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