Yoga for Creatives with Hannah (of Hatha & Heal)

Nicole: I couldn’t be more excited about today’s post. I’ve practiced yoga for years to reverse the aches and pains that come with making art. However, I’ve found very little online content for creatives. We have unique issues that require special attention, and the lack of resources is frustrating.

I’m super lucky to have a friend like Hannah, who is both a creative and yoga expert. We love chatting about business and health. I’ve known Hannah for 15 years, ever since we studied abroad in London together in college.

I asked Hannah if she could put together a little yoga sequence for us, and she was kind enough to do so. I did this sequence myself and felt like a million bucks after. I’ll definitely be adding these magical poses to my regular practice. Thanks for your generosity, Hannah!

P.S. If you loved this post, I’m a huge fan of Hannah’s Instagram and online journal too.

Hannah: Hi everyone! It's Hannah here from Hatha & Heal. I specialize in therapeutic yoga for chronic pain, and additionally I’m a long time graphic designer! Making me intimately familiar with the pain points that can affect creatives– especially our neck, shoulders, and wrists. Join me today for a short practice tending to all these areas– so that we can feel more at ease in the body and thus more easeful, open and nourished for our creative pursuits. Some of these poses I’ll demonstrate in a chair, so that you can practice them right at your desk! And then we’ll end with a few options for your savasana final resting pose, which is always so important for refilling our own tank and fostering creativity. 

Video sequence

Pose Breakdown

Seated Pulldowns

Inhale sweep arms up, exhale pull arms down into a cactus with shoulder blades squeezing together, continue to squeeze the shoulder blades together as you lower elbows to waist, last step flip the palms and press the imaginary wall behind you. Repeat 3-5x.

Strap Straight Jacket

Take a yoga strap or scarf behind your back with about ⅓ of the strap on one side and ⅔ on the other side. Flip the ends of the strap over the shoulders. Lastly cross the two straps so that you make an X on your back, and pull the ends around to the front. As you pull down on the ends, you’re giving yourself a shoulder adjustment and sliding the traps down! Strap can be fastened together or tied for sitting or computer work.

Wrist Stretch

On the mat set up like you’re in a table top position with the fingers facing towards you. You can stay right here or bring the heels and knees together and slowly lower hips towards heels to increase the stretch. Move a little bit at a time forward and back. Tap hands out on your thighs to release.

L Blocks Savasana

Set your two blocks up on your mat– I recommend one on the medium height for your head and one on the low height for your shoulders. Facing away from the setup, begin to lower down so that the first block meets the base of your shoulders and the second block meets your head. Extend one leg out at a time, melt over the blocks, and bliss out!

Neck Traction Savasana

Create a loop with your strap and fasten it around the seat of the chair so that when you pull down on the strap there is about 3” or so between the strap and the floor. Set up on the mat facing away from the chair, make sure there is enough space between you and the chair so you don’t hit your head, and then slowly lower yourself down to the mat. From here wiggle yourself underneath your setup and using one hand lift up your head, using your second hand place the strap around the base of the skull. You’ll find a boney structure there called the optical ridge. Adjust your head on the strap any amount so that your chin is tucked slightly down. Extend one leg out at a time, and bliss out!

I hope this little sequence helps, so you can experience more ease and alignment in your body, and capacity to create to your heart’s desire!

From one creative to another–



More About Hannah

Hannah is a 500 Hr RYT, completing advanced training with an emphasis on chronic pain and therapeutic yoga. She is driven by her own experience living with scoliosis, chronic pain, anxiety, and autoimmune disease. Hannah’s classes and one-on-one sessions blend asana with relaxation and music, and cultivate healing, resiliency, and joy. Learn more and book your healing session with Hannah at Hatha & Heal.