50 New Years Ideas for Artists (it’s not too late!)

New year new you, right? I wish. Some of us can already feel our New Years resolutions slipping away as January progresses. I’m right there with you. Here’s the good news - it’s never too late to commit to a resolution. In fact, I think we’re more likely to keep resolutions if we don’t start at the New Year. It’s simply about making yourself a promise and keeping it. And you can do that any day, any time.

I’ve found that the key to resolutions is to be clear on why I’m making them. The intention has to come from within. It can’t originate from an outside source. The resolution must also be attainable. As they say, we tend to overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. Lastly, we need to reward ourselves when we keep our promises, whether that be in big or little ways.

My favorite rewards are those that contribute to the resolution itself. Say your goal is to work out every day for 30 days. Once you hit that goal, reward yourself something that will make it easy to continue the habit - like new gym shoes or exercise equipment.

The reason I love art resolutions so much is that everyone can use more creativity in their lives. Forming a creative habit does require an initial commitment. However, I’ve found it easy to keep these commitments because creating has a positive affect on every aspect of our lives. There’s no way you can create more, and be less happy.

For that reason, I’m listing ideas for 50 ways you can enhance your art this year, and hopefully infuse your life with more joy. Because who couldn’t use more of that?


  • Paint at least one brushstroke per day (weekends don’t need to count).

  • Start a pattern library - adding a new pattern per week (or month, if more realistic).

  • Open an online shop.

  • Reach out to a new potential client weekly (or even daily, if realistic).

  • Add three new income streams to your business this year.

  • Start a daily sketchbook practice.

  • Start a Youtube channel.

  • Do a 30 day series.

  • Start a Patreon for your art.

  • Rework your website to best represent your brand as an artist.


  • Create a new studio space for yourself.

  • Clean and organize your studio every Friday.

  • Buy three new plants for your studio space.

  • Hang up a pinboard of all your favorite paintings you’ve created in your studio. A wall works too.

  • Hang up one of your framed artworks in every room of your home.

  • Paint a mural in your home.

  • Invest in something that will grow your business this year.

  • Buy fresh flowers for your studio every two weeks.

  • Hire a photographer to take pictures of you in your studio.

  • Hire a videographer to make a reel of you making things in your space.


  • Watch a creative documentary once a month.

  • Watch an animated movie once a month.

  • Start doing morning pages daily (shoutout to The Artist’s Way).

  • Start going on weekly artist dates (shoutout to The Artist’s Way).

  • Take a creative class once a month (in person or online).

  • Make an art music playlist that best represents your work.

  • Read an artist biography once a quarter. (Can’t recommend this Dr. Seuss Biography enough.)

  • Go to the art store in person monthly and buy one thing.

  • Start dressing like an artist by purchasing new pieces for your wardrobe.

  • Make swatches of all your favorite colors, or paint them all on a single sheet of paper to hang in your studio.


  • Start a monthly artist newsletter.

  • Write a weekly blog post about your art.

  • Share daily or weekly illustrations on social media.

  • Find a way to give back to a cause you care about with your work.

  • Make a painting for a loved one once a month.

  • Teach a class locally.

  • Write a monthly e-mail thanking artists you admire.

  • Host a free webinar for other artists.

  • Donate artwork to a charity for auction.

  • Write a physical book or ebook.


  • Schedule a painting date with a friend once a month.

  • Start an artist mastermind group locally or remotely.

  • Attend a wine and painting night with friends (or host one at your house).

  • Schedule a meetup with a different local artist each month.

  • Attend an art conference this year.

  • Attend an artists’ retreat.

  • Sell your art at a local market.

  • Attend an art museum with friends.

  • Make a new art friend this year.

  • Show your work at a local gallery or shop.

As I mentioned earlier, it’s important to choose attainable resolutions. If you’re working towards a big goal, like writing a book, make sure you break it into small, actionable steps.

My favorite way to accomplish big goals is to work on them for 50 (uninterrupted) minutes per day Monday-Friday, until the goal is complete. You’ll be amazed at how much progress you can achieve by giving a little every day.

So which of these resolutions is calling your name? Let me know in the comments below!