Anyone Else Feeling Uninspired?

Warning - I’m going to wallow in a little self pity today, in hopes that someone who is feeling the same way can relate to what I’m experiencing.

This time of year is always toughest on my creativity. I’m always a less happy version of myself at the end of winter. I suspect a lot of it has to do with where I live. January through March in Illinois is tough. The days are brutally cold, and LONG. I almost forget what a warm breeze feels like. It’s tough to get excited about layering on winter clothes to go anywhere. Cabin fever is for real.

Another part of it is the holiday hangover. I love Christmas, and we tend to take a lot of time off between Thanksgiving and New Years. Accepting the holidays are over is always tough. Covid could have something to do with it too. We’re two years in, and things aren’t really back to normal (at least where I live). It’s hard not to feel like this is forever - that human interaction will never be the same again.

I tend to feel most inspired in the Spring, Fall, and in the early parts of Winter - when the seasons are changing. I do love living somewhere with seasons, because even during these dark days of winter, I know Spring will come. It always does. And when Spring finally arrives, I immediately forget how awful winter was.

For some reason, I’m feeling extra uninspired this year. I’m just waiting for time to pass. I’m tired of my workspace and being indoors, yet I don’t feel like doing anything about it. I probably need a vacation or a change of scenery, but I also know better days are just around the corner. So, I’m just waiting out this creative drought. I’m still making art, but I don’t feel excited about it or connected to it. To the outside world, it probably doesn’t even look like I’m struggling. I’m just keeping the habit alive until the weather warms up, in hopes I get a wave of inspiration then. Even as early as January, I felt pretty disconnected from my work. Throughout much of my 30 day series, I was just going through the motions. And I’ve accepted that’s okay. It’s where I’m at right now, and there’s not much I can do about it.

If you’re feeling this way too, I feel your pain. What I’ve learned over the years is that creativity has seasons. For me, it often literally aligns with the seasons of weather. As creatives, we’re so impacted by our environments, this is to be expected. The important thing is to accept it’s not your fault, and you just need to wait it out.

While I’m waiting for Spring, I’ve tried to shift gears and work on some new projects. I’ve even started working on a Burst of Inspiration Guide (coming this Friday), in hopes I can reconnect to the methods I typically use to get inspired. Giving myself space to step back from my work has helped too. I’ve been doing more things around the house - like purging and cleaning. I’ve also doubled down on baking, reading, and watching TV. I feel like it’s all been good for me. It always helps to do what I feel like doing, even if it’s not what I should be doing.

So that’s where I’m at these days. Holding out for Spring, and hoping for better days ahead.