My 10 Favorite Paintings from 2023
I love doing this exercise every December, which is why I made it part of this month’s GPS journal prompts. It’s a great way to summarize the progress I’ve made over the course of a year. Usually it’s a good confidence booster, because it allows me to focus on all the great work I’ve made and to forget about the pieces I didn’t like.
It also gives me an idea of where I want to go with future work. I can assess what I like about the work I’ve been making. As usual, my personal favorites aren’t always the ones that my fans seem to like most. My favorite pieces are ones where I’ve had major breakthroughs in my style, or where I took a risk and it worked out. You can’t always see these breakthroughs from the outside looking in.
So here we go - my 10 favorite paintings in order from early 2023 to late 2023…