Nicole Cicak

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Peculiar Portraits II: Gloria

June loved Christmas. She loved it so much, she named her three daughters Amaryllis, Noel, and Gloria. The youngest, Gloria, was her favorite, because she was born on Christmas Eve. Gloria’s birth was the best thing that happened to June, because she finally got her Christmas baby. And being born on Christmas Eve was the worst thing that happened to Gloria.

As a child, Gloria’s wardrobe consisted of only red and green. June didn’t like it when she wore other colors. She said it was Gloria’s birthright to spread Christmas cheer all year. A Christmas tree would remain in Gloria’s room year round, and in her room only.

And then there was Christmas. Every December, Gloria’s father would take off work and drive the family around the country. They’d visit every Christmas market in America. They did it to make June happy. Every Christmas Eve, June would style Gloria’s hair like a Christmas tree. It would take five hours and five cans of hairspray to get it just right. One year, in the midst of the holiday rush, Gloria’s family even forgot her birthday. At least her hair was perfect.

By the time Gloria left for college, she’d had enough Christmas to last a lifetime. She called her mother Freshman year to say she wouldn’t be coming home for Christmas. It broke June’s heart. She vowed never to speak to her daughter again. Their relationship was never the same. June even missed Gloria’s college graduation.

After college, Gloria worked at a company that made Halloween costumes. That’s where she met her husband Oscar. He was a tailor - the best costume maker at the company. Oscar was born on Valentine’s Day, so they made a pact never to celebrate either holiday. One day, Oscar asked Gloria to marry him. He proposed by giving her a scotty puppy with a ring around its neck. Gloria said heck yes, and they named their dog Boo. Oscar made them zombie bride and groom costumes, and they were married on Halloween at city hall.

Just a month after Oscar and Gloria were married, Gloria’s sister called. She said June had fallen ill, and the doctors had given her two months to live. Oscar said they should go be with her mother, so they flew to Gloria’s hometown that same day.

When Gloria saw how frail June was, she burst into tears. Gloria hugged her mother and said she was sorry. June apologized too. They spent the next two months making up for lost time.

On Christmas Eve, June was feeling especially ill. To cheer her up, Gloria put on her old Christmas robe and styled her hair like a Christmas tree, just like her mother always did. June cried when she saw her daughter. She was so happy to have her back. And Gloria would’ve done anything to see her mother smile again. That was the best Christmas June ever had. Sadly, it was also her last.

After Gloria’s mother passed, her and Oscar started celebrating Christmas and Valentine’s Day again. They realized life is short, and holidays are meant to be celebrated. They were still partial to Halloween, so when their daughter was born on October 31st, they were over the moon. They named her Pumpkin.

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