5 Documentaries to Inspire Artists

I’m a huge fan of documentaries. It’s one of the ways I find art inspiration, especially since I’m not traveling much due to Covid. It makes me feel like I left my house without actually leaving it. Besides providing inspiration, art documentaries are so educational. They’ve been one of the ways I’ve learned the ins and outs of the art world - good and bad.

Today I want to share the most inspiring documentaries I’ve watched over the last few years, in hopes that they inspire your art as well. I’ve listed these in the order I watched them in, starting with most recent.

  1. Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal and Greed (on Netflix)

I recently watched this new documentary, and it inspired this entire blog post. Even though the word “happy” is in the title, most of the film is just the opposite. It serves as a cautionary tale for all artists, reminding us how important the legal aspect of the business is. How we need to protect the rights to our work, if not for ourselves, then for our loved ones and future generations.

The one positive thread throughout the entire film is the impact Bob Ross had on the world. He inspired so many people to paint. He literally saved lives with his art, and that is the part I found so uplifting and inspiring. It made me want to go out and spread the message of art with my own work.

Click here to watch the trailer.

2. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (on HBO)

Even though this documentary is not about the traditional arts, Mr. Rogers was an artist in his own right. It’s amazing to see the impact his message had on the world. This documentary left me feeling like my art could really make a difference. When you bring an audience into your world, the sky is the limit.

Besides being incredibly inspiring, this documentary was one of the most beautiful, heartfelt films I’ve ever seen. As a big fan of Mr. Rogers growing up, it took me back to being a child and how vulnerable I was at that time. If you watch this film, you will probably cry, but only happy tears.

Click here to watch the trailer.

3. Queen of Paradis (on Amazon Prime)

Reine Paradis creates her photography by putting herself in her images. They are super cool! A few examples are below. What I found most fascinating about this documentary is the lengths she will go to get the perfect shot. It made me want to push myself more in my work.

This film takes you on a journey with Reine as she revisits her childhood in France, and creates her newest series of photos. The film is a bit of an oddball, but I loved every minute of it!

Click here to watch the trailer.

Photo © Reine Paradis

Photo © Reine Paradis

Photo © Reine Paradis

Photo © Reine Paradis

4. Art Paul of Playboy: The Man Behind the Bunny (On Amazon Prime)

I almost listed The Pixar Story documentary here (also really good), but honestly, I liked this film better. That’s a big testament to how good it is, because I LOVE Pixar. While the title may sound scandalous, it’s actually not. Art Paul was a brilliant artist and designer, and he lived out his life during one of the most fascinating times in the history of advertising. Also, he lived and worked in Chicago (my hometown), making this even more fascinating for me.

He only died a few years ago at the age of 93. He made art up until his death, changing his style to accommodate is bad eyesight. I found his accomplishments and attitude towards life incredibly inspiring. I’ve included some of his art below.

Click here to watch trailer.

Work © Art Paul

Work © Art Paul

Work © Art Paul

Work © Art Paul

5. American Experience: Walt Disney (on PBS)

I saw this when we were vacationing in Quebec, and had nothing to watch at the end of a long day. Our hotel had basic cable, and a lot of the channels were in French. This documentary had just started on one of the channels, and before we knew it, we were hooked. We watched the entire thing. We even tuned in for part 2 the next night. It was that good! I know there are a lot of documentaries about Walt, but I found this one to be so riveting and thorough.

With the giant empire Walt built, it’s hard to remember he was first and foremost an artist. To think the entire world of Disney stemmed from one man’s imagination is pretty hard to believe. As someone who has a crazy imagination, it made me appreciate what a wonderful gift that is.

Click here to watch the trailer.

InspirationNicole CicakComment