Art Studio Tour: My Chat with Korie Herold

All Photos © Korie Herold

All Photos © Korie Herold



Profession: Calligrapher & Graphic Designer | Location: Houston, Texas

Korie Herold established her design studio The Weekend Type in 2013. Her impressive skillset stems from her studies at Abilene Christian University, where she studied both graphic and interior design. Her double major might have something to do with how beautiful her studio space is!

Korie will forever think of herself as a student of the arts, always attending workshops and learning new skills. Her recent focus has been on creating a series of heirloom memory books for the special occasions in life. She’s also in the process of opening on online print shop and apparel shop. When Korie isn’t creating, she loves brunch, fresh flowers, and connecting with friends.


What Inspires Your Work?

Anything really. It can be something as simple as taking a walk outdoors or playing with my kids in the backyard to, something that has nothing to do with my work... like a girls weekend away. I find that stepping outside of the studio and not actively looking for inspiration is when it really strikes. When my mind is clear and I do something nice for myself is when I get fired up and inspired. It's weird, but it works for me. 

What Are Your Favorite Mediums And Tools To Use?

Depends on the day...I bounce between Daniel Smith watercolors and sumi ink for painting, and I have a slew of pens I like to draw with, so no real favorites there. It's just crucial to have choices! Goodness I love choices. And I'm recently getting my feet wet with gouache, so ask me again in a few weeks ;)

Where Makers Make_Korie Herold_The Weekend Type_Work.jpg

What Is One Word You Would Use To Describe Your Studio Space?


What Is Your Favorite Thing About Your Studio Space?

My desk, it's the heart of the studio. A dear friend of mine made it specifically for me, down to the inch. It was made for this space. It looks thick from the front when you walk in the room, but on the side I sit, it's hollow, so it has a massive amount of hidden storage for me to hide all the things. 

What Are Three Items In Your Workspace That You Can’t Live Without?

Oh that's hard! My desk, art supplies, and some good music. 

What Does A Day In The Life Look Like For You? What Are Your Daily Habits?

Coffee, there's always coffee...whether it's at 5:00am or somewhere around noon. Every day is different around here, but I've learned to just roll with it. Some days I have a bigger window than others to work (like when my kids are at preschool), and other days I just work around my kids' nap schedules.  

How Do You Practice Self-Care Throughout The Day?

Coffee or tea break, and taking the time to put on makeup. I work from home, but just that small act of putting on makeup somehow makes me feel put together, which in turn makes me more productive! 

How Do You Store Your Artwork?

I have one of those Ikea rolling units with the wide, shallow drawers. I'm so obsessed with the functionality of it that I just purchased a second one :)

You can find more of Korie’s work here:

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