Nicole Cicak

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What Makes an Art Studio Great?

I’ve now toured ten artist’s studios (including my own, ha!) and I’ve seen some major themes emerge. When I asked everyone what they love most about their spaces, I heard a lot of the same answers. These interviews have taught me that there’s a formula as to what makes an art studio great.

Before moving on to the next ten interviews, I thought it was important to reflect on these findings. I found them incredibly interesting, and I hope you will too. If any of you are thinking about creating a studio in your home, this is a good place to start!

The chart below indicates how often I heard answers to the question - “What is your favorite thing about your studio?

It appears that having natural light and a lot of windows is incredibly important, not just for being able to see your work, but for being a happy creative. Having a good view was surprising to me, because how much do we artists actually look out the window while we’re working? Apparently a lot, because this was mentioned six times! Tea and coffee were no surprise to me, because I too enjoy both throughout the day. I do think it’s important to think about how to make tea and coffee super accessible while working.

If you’re looking for objects to put in your space, it seems that candles, plants, and good snacks are the ticket. As far as noise goes, everyone’s answers were different. The important thing is that your studio must accommodate your personal preferences. If you like quiet, your space cannot be noisy. If you like good music, it’s important for you to work in a space that allows you to play your own tunes - probably not a shared workspace.

See this gallery in the original post