A Freelancer’s Guide to the Holidays

It’s that time of year again! The Christmas season is my favorite time of year to be a freelancer, because I can end the year on my own terms. I don’t have a boss deciding what the holiday season will look like for me. Spring, Summer, and Fall I’m probably harder on myself than any boss would be. However, the holiday season is the one time of year I cut myself some slack. My main priority is to savor the season and CHILL. It’s always been the perfect time for me to relax, recoup, and get organized. For that reason, I tend to look forward to this time of year more than most people. For me, the holidays aren’t stressful. They are magical!

So how do I make the holidays feel so magical? For the past two years, I’ve taken a social media break from Thanksgiving to New Years, and it has been LIFE CHANGING.r. As an introvert, this changes makes all the difference in the world. It feels like such a luxury. I need this time away from people to focus on me. In the weeks leading up to Christmas (as client work slows down), my main priority is on getting my affairs in order. I try to tackle those things I’ve been wanting to do for myself all year, but haven’t gotten around to - things like updating my Etsy shop photography, working in my sketchbook, and taking online classes, etc. I love how focusing on these things at the end of the year allows me to start the New Year feeling refreshed, inspired and organized. It’s a great way to prepare for another successful season of freelancing.

How do you approach the holidays? If you haven’t taken a social media break, or scaled back on projects, I would highly recommend it! Below is a checklist of some other little things you can do for yourself to start 2020 on a good note. I’ve done all of these things throughout the holiday season at one point or another:

Winter in New York_2.jpg
  • Clean your desktop

  • Organize your files

  • Get rid of any iPhone apps you aren’t using

  • Take a Skillshare class

  • Start an online shop

  • Try a new hobby

  • Clean and purge your workspace (and your house for that matter!)

  • Make any purchases that would significantly improve how fast or efficiently you work (Merry Christmas to you!)

  • Decorate your house and office for the holidays

  • Watch a Christmas movie

  • Bake treats

  • Listen to a new podcast

  • Make new years resolutions (there are some great Youtube videos on this)

  • Start a new habit (why wait for the New Year?)

  • Work in nice pajamas (this makes me feel so spoiled!)

  • Watch too much TV! (bonus points for cheesy Hallmark movies)

You may have noticed that some of the items on this list are business-related and some are not. The one thing they all have in common is that they are things you can do for yourself, that no one else is going to tell you to do. The one thing that is unique about being a freelancer, is that business and life overlap A LOT. For me, I live and work out of my home. Anything I can do to make my home life better will probably make my work better as well. Once I finally accepted how interrelated my home and work were, everything began to feel more balanced. I realized that focusing on things outside my business would positively impact my business and vice versa. Being a better human means being a better business person as well.

If you are a freelancer like me, the last thing I can say on this topic is to be a nice boss to yourself. If you struggle with this, try to take this time of year to be extra nice. Make that your gift to yourself. It’s okay to not work as hard, to take days off, and to be a little selfish throughout the holiday season. In fact it’s not just okay, it’s necessary. You will be more profitable year next year because of it! I promise. Taking time for ourselves is essential to running a successful business, and making a practice of doing this every year during the holiday season is a great way to make sure it happens every year.