How to Master Your Color Palettes

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My 31 day mini painting series has pushed me to the limits as an artist. I can’t believe it’s only day 13. Yikes, I have a ways to go! Surprisingly, it’s pushed me in ways I never expected. I initially thought I’d have trouble coming up with ideas. That actually hasn’t been the case. I think I’ve outgrown that stage as an artist, because I have systems in place to help me find ideas (blog posts on this topic are linked below). The thing I’ve struggled with is COLOR PALETTES. After just a few days, I found myself running out of combinations. I was very worried this issue would put an end to my series.

Well, I’m happy to say that I’ve found a solution and I’m dying to share it with you!

Just to give you some context - I use a limited number of colors in my work (around 8 tubes of paint that I mix together to create different shades). I’ve long suggested all artists should do this. In my opinion, it’s the quickest way to take your work to the next level. I preach that artists must be discerning about colors, and only use the ones they really love. It’s something I’ve noticed all the best artists do. I still stand by this statement. However, when producing a large body of work in a short period of time (as I am), you have to get resourceful when working with a limited palette.

I’m great at visualizing, but my brain can only do so much. I was concerned at how stuck I was getting. I just wanted to use the same combinations over and over again. Suddenly, I had an idea. I decided to create little swatches of all the colors I use. This was a game changer!

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Now, after I’ve come up with my subject matter for the day, I play around with my swatches. It’s actually really fun for me, and a great way to ease into my work! This supports everything I believe about the painting process - that planning creates better work. I just can’t believe I didn’t think of it sooner!

I’ve actually noticed that my work has gotten a lot better since I started using my color swatches. Usually the fewer colors I use in a piece, the more I like it. My color swatches have allowed me to think carefully about the shades I use and how many I’m using. Also, it’s made painting feel easier! And who doesn’t want art to feel easier? It’s hard enough to sit down and do the work! I no longer stress about what color to make something. It supports the other theory I have that rules and limitations help our creativity flourish.

If you aren’t yet a believer, just try this out for yourself. It took me less than an hour to make my swatches, and it was a lot of fun. I promise, you won’t look back! It may help you figure out your signature color palette too, if you haven’t gotten there yet. I’m still evolving my palette, and this has helped a lot. It’s a hack I think all artists need to know.